RMC3® Rotational Molding Compound

Polymer Shaping Technology: Create Solid Components For Hollow Parts

RMC3 Rotational Molding Compound


Helping Rotomolders Create Solid Additions To Hollow Parts

RMC3® Rotational Molding Compound is an easy-to-use polymer molding compound that allows rotomolders the freedom to improve value to there hollow parts with new solid additions that can’t be achieved with traditional rotomolding methods and materials.

This is especially true if you have protrusions, flanges, threads or other functional components to your polyolefin parts that are critical.

These components need to be strong, solid and smooth. The truth is that if you have molds that contain hard to reach cavities or functional areas where the resin doesn’t flow correctly, you need an answer to this to stop creating scrapped parts and losing time and money.

RMC3® Gallery

Rotomolding Compound in action


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Applying RMC3 Into The Mold